Colony Pressure Washing is a locally-owned and operated sister company of Colony Pool Service of West Chester, PA.
We take pride in delivering exceptional results that enhance the beauty and longevity of your property.
Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your home’s exterior, revitalize your roof, or restore your wooden surfaces to their former glory, our team has the expertise and equipment to get the job done right.
Say goodbye to dirt, grime, and unsightly stains with our professional house washing service. Using advanced techniques and eco-friendly detergents, we’ll leave your home looking fresh and inviting.
Safeguard your roof’s integrity and curb appeal with our gentle yet effective roof washing solutions. We’ll remove moss, algae, and debris, helping to extend the life of your roof and enhance its overall appearance.
Restore the beauty of your outdoor living space with our paver patio washing services. We’ll eliminate built-up dirt and grime, leaving your patio looking like new and ready for outdoor entertaining.
Preserve the natural beauty of your wooden surfaces with our professional wood restoration and painting services. Whether it’s a deck, fence, or other wooden structure, we’ll remove years of weathering and grime, revealing the true beauty of the wood beneath.
Keep your fleet looking sharp and professional with our fleet vehicle washing services. From trucks and vans to trailers and equipment, we’ll ensure that your vehicles make a positive impression on the road.
We specialize in removing unwanted items from your home or business, saving you time and effort while ensuring responsible disposal.
Brighten up your holiday season with Colony Pressure Washing’s expert Christmas light installation services! We bring your vision to life with fully customizable lighting displays that add a festive glow to your home or business.
About Us
Colony Pressure Washing is a dedicated, family-owned, and operated company committed to delivering top-notch exterior cleaning services. With a focus on personalized care and attention to detail, our small team takes pride in revitalizing your property through the power of pressure washing.
Backed by 12+ years of experience, we bring a professional touch to every project, ensuring your home or business shines with renewed brilliance. Choose Colony Pressure Washing for a reliable and family-oriented approach to enhancing the curb appeal of your space.
Our Service Area in Southeastern PA
We serve locations anywhere within a 40-mile radius of both West Chester, PA (19382) and Morgantown, PA (19543).
Our services include: